January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

WOW! It's seems impossible that 2011 has come to a close and that today we all get to start fresh! Also mind boggling that in 9 short days we will celebrate the 2nd anniversary of our meeting Piper! A Mickey Mouse party is in the works, at Heather's new house, in south Huntsville! There should be pleanty of red and yellow for sure since Mickey is Piper's current obsession! After the craziness of 2011, we are hopeful for a healthy & low key 2012! Hope to {at least} do monthly posts here so you all can watch Piper grow!

This little sheep handprint is the first ornament that Piper made for us at Sunday school! I nearly cried when we went to pick her up. The teacher handed it to me and told me they learned about the sheep that were at the manger with the baby Jesus. Piper says hand every time she spots it on the tree!

This is the ornament I bought Piper this year. We sing You are my Sunshine
almost daily so it's perfect for us!

This is Piper before church on December 18th! I've taken so many pictures of her, when I ask her to smile for meemaw she giggles and makes silly faces at me! Well, I guess that's it for now! Happy New Year and I'll look forward to hearing from you all in the comments!

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